sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010

Let's have some fun!

Halloween Jokes

Time for a break from Halloween stories, let us have a few laughs:
  • Where do baby ghosts go during the day?
    Dayscare centers (Dayscare centres in the UK)

  • What did Dr. Frankenstein get when he put a goldfish brain in the body of his dog?
    I don't know, but it is great at chasing submarines.

  • What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?

  • How did the ghost sew his sheet?
    With a pumpkin patch.

  • Why did the witches' team lose the table tennis game?
    Their bats flew away

  • Why was big sister Joanne unhappy when she won first prize for the best costume at the Halloween party?
    Because Joanne had only come to collect her brother!

  • Why was Felix tickled by the chicken wings at the Halloween party?
    Because the feathers were still on the chickens!

  • What do ghosts like to dance to?
    Soul music!

11 comentários:

  1. Se há coisa difícil de traduzir de uma língua para outra, chama-se anedota! Mas o processo de tentar entender a lógica, a visão cultural, as referências de uma anedota noutra língua é fascinante. E aprende-se tanto...

    Ana, divertei-me com as anedotas!... uma reading corner é algo de muito interessante. Temos uma na minha escola mas em jornal de parede. Trazê-la para o mundo das novas tecnologias é uma ideia aliciante.

  2. I loved the design of this blog. This post is so funny. The joke of Bambi is fantastic.

    Sara Lopes. Nº25. 8ºB.

  3. Hello!

    I love this blog because it is very interesting and it has a fun video we can watch.
    This blog talks about an event that I adore -"Halloween."

    Verónica Monteiro Nº28 8.ºB

  4. Hello! This blog is fantastic.
    I loved the suggestions on Halloween.
    Thanks for the sharing...

    José Pinto
    8ºB Nº 17

  5. Hello:)
    I love its blog. I find it very interesting, and very amusing.

    Aurora Leite Nº4 8ºB

  6. very interesting anecdotes ... I loved especially this one:
    Why Felix was tickled by the chicken wings at the Halloween party?
    Because the feathers were still on the chickens!
    It's fantastic
    catarina amaral 8ºB

  7. Hello!
    This blog was very interesting in terms of Halloween. I really like the holiday Halloween because I can dress up as ghost, dracula ...

    Igor Rafael Nº14 8ºB

  8. I like this blog... "Why was big sister Joanne unhappy when she won first prize for the best costume at the Halloween party?
    Because Joanne had only come to collect her brother!" its very funn!! :p
    this blog it is very interesting because i loved halloween
    Diana Leite nº9 9ºA

  9. Hello teacher.
    I liked the joke "Why did the witches' team lose the table tennis game? Their bats Flew Away," is very cool, funny, very funny

    Kisses: Bruno Lopes

  10. Hello teacher.
    I liked the joke "Why did the witches' team lose the table tennis game? Their bats Flew Away," is very cool, funny, very funny

    Kisses: Bruna Lopes nº6 9ºA
    -Sorry wrong - me the other comment

  11. The jokes are very funny ...
    It is fun and easy way to understand English.

    Adriana Leite
    nº1/ 8ºA
